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How To Be Pure In Your Courtship

how to be pure in your courtship - everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

When you are busy with the things of the spirit in your courtship, the devil will not be chanced to whisper rubbish things to your ears👂or mind to be moved to commit sëxual immorality or any sort of uncleanliness with your partner.
Even if he whispers it to your ear👂, you are too wise to be fooled.

It is when you are both less busy, that you always sit closer to yourselves💏, guming yourselves, resting on each other or cuddling eachother👩‍👦, sleeping beside each other 🛏️, and playing some kinds of play together that you will think of touching yourselves.

The thing is, Don't enter into a relationship base on feelings, or how he or she is so cool, calm, generous💰, intelligent, beautiful and all.
If you enter into a relationship base on all of these, you will just go into the relationship to focus on sharing the feelings ❤️ together, and touching the parts that got you attracted to him/her, and it can lead to a failure in life.

Enter into a relationship with a purpose. That okay, he /she is having an assignment related to mine, There's what God has sent me to do in this person's life.

This is the aim the person is coming to help me achieve in life. Oh! There's an assignment of God's will given to both of us, There is a great destiny we are to fulfill together which has been revealed by God to you when you have already ask God about the person.

When you are mindful of these, you won't go into courtship to cuddle each other or gum yourselves to tap current to the extent of taking it to the next level , but To Focus On Your assignments.

When you come back from evangelism it's impossible to feel like calling 🤳your partner for sêx...
You can't even think it, because when you are back you will be led by the spirit to pray for the saved ones....you can even pray for an hour or more.

Both of you will go for evangelism, one will be speaking the word and the other will be praying 🔥 🔥 🔥, the spirit will be flowing, you are igniting Each other...when it comes to filling up the person, you both join hands together with the soul you have saved🤼, speaking in tongues to fill up the person if he desires to speak in tongues🔥🔥.

You are active tint yourselves Spiritually and working together as a team to save great treasures for yourselves in heaven. As you are speaking words of wisdom and knowledge to the saved soul, the other person is ministring healing to them. You are both growing Spiritually, What a great ministry. ❣️

This might sound foolish to some people, but on the last day, the foolishness of the things of God will turn to a great wisdom. The foolish people will be the wise people, while the wise people will be the foolish people like the five virgins without oil.

Its impossible to think about sex in that kind of hot courtship 🔥 🔥 🔥 that leads many to Christ. You will be irritated by it, because you are even going tommorow to fill up people with the holy ghost again. You are growing Spiritually, You are studying the word to preach for tomorrow.

Courtship should be where we know God the more. Courtship is a continuation of our single hood ministry. We just got to the point of pairing ourself with someone to do more of God's will.
That oh! have been doing God's will in my single time, I want to do more, I want to have more treasures in heaven 🌫️ I want to go deeper in Fulfiling God's mind with the Lord's chosen person for me, i want to fulfil my purpose.
With his own knowledge, gifts, and his related assignment to mine to expand my business so I can gain more talents like the faithful servant.

It's not that we will just be together doing nothing. If you are idle in your courtship or your relationship is indefinable, that's when you will be committing sexual immorality or romancing Each other. And by doing that, the relationship is not on its way to life (kingdom of God) but to death.

If it's going to be like that, then why are my not still single building up great future for myself in heaven, focusing on the will of God like Isaac. That it was when he wasn't thinking about relationship at all that God brought his wife to his vicinity.

The Bible says, isaac had come from Beer Lahai Roi, for he was living in the negav. He Went Out To The Field One Evening To Meditate, And as he looked up, He saw camels approaching.

He dint even think about a partner, it was his father's senior servant that was now explaining to him all he had done. That was when he took Rebekah to his mother's tent ⛺, and married her.

If you are to come to me, you must come to add to my value and come to help me to increase in treasures in heaven 🌫️ And vise versa.

All the life we are living and all the relationships we are having, is it not for the kingdom of God and to receive the crown of glory 👑?

If this is not your goal or what you always think in your mind, I think you shouldn't bother to come to me 😊because all of us will stand individually on the last day to give account of all the life we have lived.
The parable of the faithful servant in Matt 25:21 That God expanded his Dominion and made him share in his happiness because of his profits (great impacts he made to the kingdom).

He was able to make that great profits because he focused on the will of God in his single time, he wasn't after a relationship. And when the set time came, he paired himself with the helper like his own.

And because in his Courtship too, he wasn't idle, busy doing nothing, romancing or sexing his partner. His relationship was definable, he dint just go into a relationship base on feelings or anything. He focused on making profits with his salvation.

In his marriage too...he discovered their assignment and focused on fulfiling the mind of God.
It's not possible he should be in an indefinable or unfruitful relationship and have that great treasures in heaven. How will he manage to serve God?

The second faithful servant that gained 3 more profit too might be his partner.... they actually worked together as a teammate. She paired herself with a kingdom partner . The relationship was so fruitful that she could make 3great more profits.

That is the way a relationship should be, a relationship should be kept for your growth, where you gained the more and where you know more of God's will.

These wonderful people in the parable might got busy serving God in their relationship. That was why there was no chance for the devil to come in...

You might be surprise about the Courtship of Damilola and Ella, jaymikee and tolu, darasimi and Lawrence oyor how they made it pure.....

They were busy serving God in their courtship....no time for gumming each other, or any thing that could lead to fulfiling the mind of the 😈 devil in their Courtships.

Their Courtship was a fruitful one, and it was able to stand as a guide line for alot of people.

Getting busy with the Spiritual activities always in your courtship will help you keep a pure courtship and will help you save more treasures for your self in heaven 🌫️. Afterall kingdom Assignment joined you both.

If you have not been keeping your courtship pure or you yourself in particular has not been living for God.... you have asked the father for your own share of estate. And he has divided his property between the both of you. You have been seperated by God through your sins.

You have gone on a long distant country like the prodigal son.... You have deviated from his will in one way or the other.

Jesus Christ is calling you back, he says let us settle the matter, plead for your cause and you shall be justified.

Come to him, seek him with all your heart and he will heal your land.

He still love you, he will rewrite your name back in his will (book of life). You still remain his heir.

Jesus loves ❤️ you ❣️.

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©️ Felix Chinecherem Victory
®️ Pricelesssoul


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