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They Are Hidden For You

Victoria Onen, they are hidden for you, new article

I honestly feel that I'm not qualified to make this post.

It came so heavy in my heart this morning that someone is about to make a mistake in the choice of marriage that will alter his/ her life.

As singles, we all have that "List" in our minds as to how we want our partner to look, what he should be doing, the "state" we want to meet them, the jobs they should be doing, the cars they should drive...etc.

You know we all have that "Picture" in our minds that nobody can understand except us...the beholders 😄😁 

Then... Boom!!!

God is showing you one brother somewhere that "doesn't look like it"😫😫
He's a prince but he's not "Charming"
Everytime you see him, he's trekking... and sweating🤦 and when you came close you discovered he has tribal mark....Ah! ☹️☹️ 

When you asked the work he's doing, you were told..."He doesn't really have a job"

And you're like "God, why are you changing my picture😩😩
this is not what we discussed naaaaa😭😭"

Or as a brother...
 You're "up there", eloquent, good looking, sisters will not allow you to rest sef.... and God is showing you one sister that doesn't have dresssense. She just wears anything that looks like cloth, she doesn't have anything that'll attract you... She's just "Plain Jane" 

In all these, you're sure without a doubt that God is leading you to that person, but you don't want to believe it.

You know it's not your thoughts playing with you, but it's not "looking like" what you desire or what you want.

You see, in my little walk with God, I've come to realize that God is a mystery.
You cannot "see Him finish" and sometimes He does things like that.
All for His Glory.

He said in Jeremiah 29:11 that "I know the thoughts that I  think toward you... To give you EXPECTED END"

Beloved, that EXPECTED END is that picture in your mind.

And you're wondering, "How can this be??? Look at him/her, they don't look like it"

Some people don't look like it because they're hidden FOR you, not FROM you.
Nobody is "seeing" them, but you will spot them when you see them and that person will change your life forever. 

Could it be that, if they were everything you wanted them to be at the time they would've gone astray and you wouldn't have seen them??!! Or maybe, someone would've taken them🤷🤷
Or could it be that God knows that if they come in that way, you'll be so carried away by them and forget the assignment He has given you in that marriage.

Just as God is more interested in your marriage than you are, don't underestimate what He can do in a man's life. Give God time!!!

When you celebrate great people whose marriages are working for 30 to 50 years and you admire them and you're shouting "couple goals" upandan ... Go and listen to their stories of "How We Met" 
Then you'll see that God likes growth.
Had they missed their partners because of what they saw outwardly, they wouldn't have been where they are today... Maybe🤷

I'm not saying that people who got married to rich people are not in line with God. But if this is your case, then you're special, there's something about your marriage God wants to use to teach people.

"And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. "

 And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking." 

"After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly."

The story of this blind man illustrates everything. 

Ask God to touch your eyes again!

You were seeing "Men" as "Trees" and not as Men... A second touch will make you see them for who they really are and not what your natural eyes are seeing.

They have a lot and enough potentials in them that God will use to make you who He wants you to be.

If you make your choice and marry who God did not approve, you will struggle.

Forget what people say "You look good together na". 

There's a "Good Union" and there's a "God Union", be wise!!!

Feel free to share your thought in the comment section 😊😊
God bless you 💖💖💖

©Victoria Onen


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