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Ask And It Shall Be Given

[Ask And It Shall Be Given] Matthew 7:7

Once upon a time, I went for a job interview. The person who connected me told me to pitch my salary at a particular amount when asked; but, on seeing the manager, I mentioned an amount a bit lower than what we discussed. The manager then bargained and we both shifted grounds and settled for another amount which seemed reasonable to both parties.

Around the end of my first month at the new work place, I received a message from my connector, telling me that the company is pleased with my work and therefore my initial salary request has been reviewed.

Long story short, I was paid the amount I initially asked for.

Now, I wonder; what if I had asked for the amount my connector told me to request?

What if I did not allow fear stop me from asking?

What if I did not underrate myself?

What if I had the guts to dare big things?

What if? Just, what if?

This questions remain unanswered but, I learnt a tangible lesson from this incident. That is, Ask, Believe and you shall receive.

Hope this makes sense


#IfollowJesus #robertgodsoninspires #ISeeGreatness

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