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Some Wrong Practices In Churches Today

some wrong practices in churches today - Robert Godson | everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

There are wrong practices being carried out in our churches today and these includes but not limited to the following:

*Infant Baptism: This type of baptism doesn't originate from scripture but it's another concept of man being taught in church and accepted by Christians.

*Praying To Or Through Many: There is only one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. Mary in her grave has no ability or authority to mediate for anyone

*Praying With The Rosary: This again is another error and has no significance in the sight of God

*Women Praying With Their Hair Uncovered: Scripture says "judge in yourselves: is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered?

*Men Preaching With The Head Covered: Whoever brought the concept of priests covering their head while preaching or praying, was definitely not inspired by God. It is written, " for a man indeed ought not to cover his head"

*Women Barbing Their Hair: It was originally a shame for women to be shorn but, someone found a way to sell the idea and even Christian sisters are now being shaven and coming to church that way

*Erecting And Bowing To The Image Of Jesus Or Mary: God forbids us from making or bowing down to any image. Whether things in heaven, on earth or under the the earth

*Women Teaching In Church: It is written "let your women keep silence in the churches; suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man"

[Why Paul Said Women Are Not Permitted To Teach In The Church]

Many Christians have different views on what Apostle Paul meant when he by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit said "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man" 1Timothy 2:12 
And in 1cor 14:34 let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak

Let me break it down. 

In Genesis 3:16 God gave the woman a command that will stand till the end of time. He said 'In sorrow thou shalt bring forth and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee'

Apostle Paul therefore, was referring to Genesis 3:16 when he stated in the latter part of 1cor 14:34 saying 'but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law

The truth is, right from the old testament, we have records of spirit filled women who prophesied such as Huldah the prophetess, Deborah e.t.c. These women were held in high esteem, and people went to them to hear what God has to say concerning certain issues; but truth is, they still were not permitted to teach in the sanctuary or temple. Rather, they had designated places were people go to meet them. Even Philip the evangelist had seven daughters that prophesied but they too were not teachers in the temple.

In conclusion; Apostle Paul was simply trying to set things in order in the church; the way it was designed by God when he said 'women are not permitted to teach in the church nor to usurp authority over the man.

Let all things therefore be done decently, in order and according to Scriptures


If any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom.

May God help us to right our wrong. 

© Robert Godson

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  1. You are right, foolish virgin are religious in custom and tradition, wise virgin sees everything and understand the written and unwritten scripture with revelation.
