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He That Shall Endure To The End

In Revelation chapter 2, Christ in said "those that shall endure to the end shall be saved"

This statement is referring to those that shall go through the tribulations of the Antichrist.

This means that Christian faithfuls will be on the earth during the reign of the Antichrist. No rapture shall happen before coming of the Antichrist. That teaching is misleading and false.

If Christians were to escape the Antichrist's rule through a supposed rapture, then the need to tell believers about the sufferings of the those days wouldn't have arisen 

Haven stated the above, dear Christian; I urge you to brace up yourself and teach your children about the forthcoming Antichrist regime.

Hope this makes sense

#IfollowJesus #robertgodsoninspires #motivation #AntiChrist #endtimes #ISeeGreatness #greatgrace♥️

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