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Best Father Ever

best father ever

Let's talk about Abba's love.
Let's talk about stressful days and hurting words.
Let's talk about this broken planet filled with broken humans operating with broken emotions and biased minds.
Let us talk about how days change; how Monday can be full of light, and laughter, and life ; and how Tuesday can very well begin with a cloud of sadness sitting on our heads like the crown of thorns sat on the saviour's head.
Let's talk about this saviour, about what He called the greatest love any one could show to another- to lay their lives for them. Let's talk about how He was the perfect example of this love.
Yes, let's talk about The Father: glorious in majesty, all-sufficient and needing nothing from anyone. Wrapped in light, beautiful to behold, majestic in every sense of the word, worshipped by angels. Powerful beyond imagination.
Let's talk about this supreme being and how He desired to have children. How He yearned and longed for extensions of Himself, Offsprings of His very self. Born of His essence, identical to Him in image and likeness. Children of love, for He is Love.
Yes, Love gave birth to us. Brought us into His world, gave us His Life, His Name, His seal of ownership. And when we were hopelessly imprisoned, slaves to the master we chose over Him, Love gave us Himself.
See Love died as us so we could live as Him. And if there was a higher price to pay, Love would have paid because He totally totally adores us! But the blood was enough. 
Hallelujah! The Cross worked!
And because of His death and victory over death, our fallen states can be redeemed. Yes we have come back home to our Father
Never to go back any further
No, we can't be farther than five and six, we have become one. Father and Child United together forever.
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners,  so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
And because we have come back home to our Father, He sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts so that we can call Him "Abba" "Father". Offsprings of Love. Children of the All-sufficient one.
Now imagine you had a child. And everyday you stuff his bags with assorted kinds of snacks but instead he begs his classmates for crumps off their biscuits, how would you feel? Painful right? And abnormal.
That is how the Father feels while He waits everyday with every answer we seek, every comfort we crave, every affection we so desperately need while we look every where else but at Him. How it must break His heart when we walk around so desperate for a love He wants to lavish on us.
When we focus and feed on our Father's Love, it empowers us. At home in God's love for us. This is the point from Which we live - loved.
With His love flooding our hearts, engulfing our entire being, we  don't have to beg others for scraps of love or feel rejected by them. We can let humans be humans -fickle, fragile and forgetful. And we're not tempted to flirt with the world, hoping for approval because we have the real thing with God.
When our hearts feel desperate, when we feel alone, when we're tempted to let the difficulties of life lead us to believe that God has abandoned us. Let us choose to keep our minds focused on what the HolySpirit whispers, not on what our flesh screams.
He speaks reassurance, He speaks comfort. He reminds us that He is Immanuel- God with us.
So We must tie our identities to our unchanging, unflinching, unyielding, undeniably good, and unquestionably loving God. Choose this day to ENJOY the living, loving, all-powerful PRESENCE of Christ INSIDE of you instead of letting yourself be distracted by all the chaos going on OUTSIDE of you.
Live in the deep wild assurance that with every one thought of you, God has nothing but love for you.
And our Father's Love isn't BASED on us, it's simply PLACED on us and it's the point from where we should live- Loved. We are loved! Offspring of Abba, you are Loved!

We have the best Dad ever!!


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