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Do These Three (3) Things And You Will Command The Respect Of People

do these three things and you will command the respect of people - everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

Dear friend, are you tired of not commanding supposed due respect from others? Then, this post is for you

There are several things you can do to gain or regain the respect and adoration of other people but, these three (3) listed here would suffice

If you want to add value to yourself and command respect from people, there are 3 things you should do.

These are:

1. Stop making yourself available to people all the time. It's not every event, program, occasion that you will be availing yourself. Sometimes you can be chanced but tell them you aren't chanced. The moment people start seeing you too often, they will definitely take you for granted.

If a celebrity moves into your neighborhood, you will be moved by their presence but with time, see finish will definitely enter and they will mean nothing to you. Once you become too accessible, see finish must definitely enter

2. People might call it pride or whatever they like but I just want to tell you that it's not everybody that should get your attention. There are people I don't talk to, not because we had anything together in the past but I just feel they don't deserve my time. No be pride, na just my life.

You can't roll with pigs and expect to command the respect of a Lion. Sometimes people rate you by the type of company you keep. That's one reason you will see people labeling you wrongly because of the people you associate with. Go to a motor park and laugh with those agboro guys as a lady and watch what will happen when they get familiar with you. They might hit your bum or press your breast as time goes on because of the attention you gave them

3. Dress decently and smart. Nothing gives more respect like a person who dresses decently and smart. You can walk into any company and have the manager running to answer you even when you don't have any kobo. But indecent dressing will definitely attract indecent people your way and such might not be good for you as people will definitely rate you by that

Do these three things and see how events will turn around.

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  1. I concur with you my bro

    1. Great

      Glad you found it meaningful

      I look forward to seeing you again
