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Dear Pumpkins, Let's Talk About Your Emotions.

Dear Pumpkins, Let's Talk About Your Emotions - Everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

Hello  dear friend, welcome again to our blog, where we try to give you contents that makes you better and healthier in all ramifications.

Today we are going to be considering emotions. If you note and apply these principles in dealing with your emotions, it will definitely make you a better person.

Without further ado, let's delve into it.

1. Do not always trust your feelings. Feelings can be fickle and vary from time to time. Don't gauge the state of your relationship/marriage based on your emotions. Love is a fact, a constant; feelings are fluid

2. Don't rely on your emotions in making choices, lest you end up making irrational decisions

3. You may love your spouse and children, but if you don't keep your negative emotions in check, the ones you love will struggle to experience that love

4. No one is born angry. Anger is something we acquire over time based on what we go through or what people do to us. If you are a hot tempered woman who sparks off easily, trace back the source of your anger

5. If you do not heal emotionally, you will struggle through life

6. It is OK to cry, but remember, crying doesn't solve the problem that is making you cry. Don't be lazy with your healing, don't hide behind tears

7. When you have a negative attitude no matter how physically beautiful you are, people will avoid you, including your man

8. If you want to confuse your emotions, have sex with the wrong person, have an affair

9. A great sex life with the right man leads to a good emotional state, a healthy sex life needs you to be in the right emotions. Emotions and sex are intertwined

10. When you cultivate a lifestyle of worshiping God, your emotions will be in a good place

11. Choosing not to forgive only hurts you, not the one who wronged you

12. If because of your menstrual cycle your hormones make you emotional, be aware of your body and have self control of your emotions, lest you get into trouble because of hormones

13. If you lack control over your emotions, you will find yourself being disrespectful to your man, being harsh to your kids, getting into affairs, having sleepless nights and thinking everyone is against you

14. People don't like being around women who feel sorry for themselves. Avoid pity parties that attract sympathy, stop looking haggard and all of that.

15. Avoid people or environments that vex your spirit and rattle up your emotions they are relationship destroyers.

16. Don't take out your emotional frustrations of work, or your disappointments in life on your spouse or children. They deserve all the peace you can give them.

17. Banging doors, sneering, stress, sleepless nights, ulcers, shouting, lack of motivation, hopelessness, condescending utterances are signs that you are not emotionally OK. You need to protect yourself emotionally and attend to your emotions, no one will do that for you

18. Note that some women have destroyed good friendships, shattered a good marriage, broken relationships with family, lost opportunities, wasted years of their lives, stayed in bad relationships and even committed suicide because they let their emotions mislead them and blind them

19. The more you mature, the more control you will have over your emotions

20. Avoid drama. Not every fight is worth your emotional attention

21. Never retire to bed angry. Not every anger is worth stretching, you have to let go some things at some points.

©️ Felix Chinecherem Victory
®️ Pricelesssoul


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