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10 Types Of Men Every Woman Should Avoid

10 types of men every woman should avoid - everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

There are a few men you shouldn't have been with in any case nor to discuss marriage. In any case, to no one's surprise, since you simply need to wed, you might not listen

Anyways, here is a list of ten (10) types of men every right thinking woman should avoid

1. Any man that demand you should get pregnant before he will wed you doesn't adore and believe in you.

The highest insult a GUY can give to a LADY in the name of LOVE is to tell her that she must get PREGNANT 🤰 first before he will pay her bride price. I am boldly telling you that any guy that places you on such condition doesn't love and regard you.

Okay, let's assume you now open your legs as a lady and he sleeps with you for like 3 months without you getting pregnant, what do you think will happen? Oh you think to conceive a child is something you can do by your own effort right?

If you fail to conceive within the time frame he has in mind, he will tag you barren and dump you while he goes after another lady. I always try my best to teach you these things for free but you people won't hear until it happens

What's your assurance that he will marry you when you conceive? You might just end up becoming his 7th baby mama. He might even tell you to abort it. Etc

Once a guy insist you must get pregnant before marriage, keep running because he doesn't love and respect you. He is either after what lies in between your legs or he is using you as a test sample to confirm between him and his girlfriend or wife , who among them has infertility problems.

You are too valuable and precious to lower your standards for one random guy who thinks otherwise of you. Someone who won't love you if you don't conceive again in future. If your husband paid your bride price after getting you pregnant, I just want to tell you that it was a bad act that you shouldn't encourage among your daughters and loved ones

2. A man who talk disgrace you with your experience or talk-down your family, doesn't have respects for you. Particularly when the person is rich and is seeing it like your family ought to be thankful that somebody like him is coming to Marry from the family

3. Any man who utilizes your past to affront you will baffle you in marriage. Regardless of your previous existence, errors and whatever, a person who really cherishes you won't ever mention it regardless of the disagreements or quarrel. When they use it against you, quit

4. A man who body shames you will wreck you in marriage. Your droopy bosom, stretch imprints, level, size and so forth ought not be utilized whether jokingly or in any case to disgrace you. I see some of you battling to make your bosom firm in light of the fact that your sweetheart said he cherishes firm bosom yet yours is droopy. Some of you are running regularly to get together with the state of your beau. Wait till the day you breakdown. On the off chance that he isn't good with any part of you, then, at that point, ya gerout

5. Examination: Once a man begins comparing you and other irregular women, kindly quit for your inner peace. Let him go ahead to make due with them..

6. Any man who causes you to feel like you are in a rivalry with different women to win him. You should never contend to win a man. That is its level. Some of you even go online to attack yourselves with the "leave my man" babble 😔

7. A cheat: Any man that cheats ought to be a major mood killer for you. Regardless of the affection you have for him, simply have it at the rear of your brain that once a cheat, always a cheat. Living with a cheat is like living with a snake, it will constantly tear into you

8. Any man that thinks Male kids are more important than female kids. Indeed, even as a person, I am tormented at whenever I hear such words not to talk of a lady. That is the principal justification for why you will bring forth 8 lovely girls and be behaving like you are childless. If it's not too much trouble, keep an eye out for these types of individuals. Their own dissatisfaction is generally high

9. A man that hits you. Whether little hit, successive and some other type of hit, kindly run. Don't for even a moment settle for that. Osinachi ought to be your contextual experiment

10. A man that accepts his mom's perspective is more noteworthy than that of his wife. When he focus on his mom over you, kindly run.

You are allowed to misinterprete and slam me, however, nothing spoil. A person who feels he owes his mom everything, since she did all for him will disappoint you. The very day his mom lashes out towards you and advise him to stop the marriage, that is all there is to it. You can consider them mummy's kid if you like

Everything I stated above is legit and they are the genuine truth. Be that as it may, when they get you shawarma and seared rice tonight, you will begin to see my focuses as hogwash till you fall in

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  1. You are judging but right some how

    1. Wow, you think I'm judging but still right somehow?

      Friend, you didn't drop your name but, I never meant to judge. Just stating some obvious truth

      Thanks for engaging though, I appreciate that

