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You Need A Cover

you need a cover - Gideon akande

Some years ago, after God miraculously provided the car for my family, an insurance company was introduced to me for comprehensive car insurance, but after delaying for about two months, my wife and I visited the office of the insurance company, then we paid and insured the car the following day, that was on Friday. Then one of their staff told me that the insurance certificate would be available by the following week’s Wednesday but, he said, “We will give you a cover paper between now till next when your insurance certificate is available, in case of anything.” And within me I laughed, “Cover paper for just 5 days, why? I have been driving the car for more than 3 months without your insurance and no problem so I can wait till Wednesday for the certificate.”

When I told my wife that the insurance company gave me a cover paper to insure the car for 5 days till the insurance certificate is ready, she also laughed and said something like, “Cover paper for just 5 days, they sound too serious.” Well, I collected the cover paper, since no extra cost, no extra coming back, just to collect, noooo problem!

The following Monday, in the evening, I went out with my wife and the kids to nearby shopping mall to get some items, and as we were coming back home, close to the last bus stop to enter our street, it was a busy Monday evening; several people were standing by the bus stop to get bus or taxi. Then as I was driving to enter the service lane, I heard a loud sound at the back, our car was seriously hit at the back, pushed forward to hit another car in front of us. Thank God for His protection always and using the seatbelts and no one was injured. Our car’s bumper dropped down, the boot scratched, the bonnet also was a bit bend in front and all that. The other car that hit our car was seriously damaged, and I later got to know that it was a loss of brake of the car. As I came out of the car, people rallied us and someone said, “Oga, your car saved lives here.” The car that lost the brake and coming with speed would have ran into the people standing by the bus stop, but God used my car to stop it. My family was safe, the people by the road were safe, and the driver of the other car was safe except few people in his car with minor injuries.

On the scene, I checked the insurance cover paper and dialed the phone number on it and explained what happened to the man, and he said, “We are so sorry for what happened sir, your car will be taken care of.” The following day I drove the car to a good automobile workshop, and everything was fixed, painted and the car came out cleaner than before. The insurance company paid for everything.

There is something more important than the car and its repair here, and that is our life, we need both temporal cover paper and the real certificate of insurance for our life here on earth as a matter of urgency before it gets too late. The temporal cover paper represents God’s divine presence and preservation on earth, and the main certificate of insurance is eternal life, the assurance of eternal rest with God in heaven. When we come to God through Jesus Christ just as we are and realize we are sinners and ready for forsake the sins, then Jesus Christ forgives us and cleanses us, He saves us and washes us through His precious blood that He shed on the cross of Calvary for our redemption, and He writes our names in His Book of life.

As children of God, Jesus Christ will come to take us to heavenly paradise either through death or rapture, but between now and then we need a cover. He said, “I’m coming soon to take you to eternity of heavenly blessing, but till then I will give you a cover, you are covered by my precious blood, from every evil, from satanic oppression, depressions and suppression, from every curse, from sickness, and evil attacks”

There is no any other Cover on earth from evil except the Blood of Jesus. You need a cover for your life, your destiny, your marriage, your health, your business, etc. When trouble of life comes who will cover you? When terrible storms of life come, where do you hide? When challenges of life come, who will cover you? When satanic attacks come against your life, your marriage, your destiny, where will you get coverage without the Blood of Jesus? Life is full of evil and without the cover of Jesus we are vulnerable. That is the reason we all need to come to Jesus for total coverage. When we come to Jesus Christ as a sinner, we confess our sins and we are ready to forsake them and accept Jesus as the Lord of our lives, He will cover us with His blood and also cover us with His righteousness. These are the greatest coverage you can get in your life and they are free of charge: the coverage of the Blood of Jesus and being covered by His righteousness. You cannot get these anywhere else.

You need to hide your life in Jesus so you will not be hit be satanic and sinful forces.

And more than the temporal earthly coverage, because our living here on earth is temporal, what about the main eternal insurance, the insurance of your never-dying soul? Let me tell you, no matter how long we live here on earth, it is temporal compared to eternity

If you care to insure your car, your house, your health, then what about your never-ending soul? We receive certificate of eternal life when our names are written in the Book of Life, when we forsake world of sin and follow Jesus in truth and righteousness.

There is no situation as dangerous as living without the coverage of the Blood of the Lamb and righteousness of the Lord. No earthly cover and no eternal life certificate. If demonic forces just decide to make their lives, their marriages or careers miserable now, they have no cover of the Blood of Lamb, and the worst part is, if death comes or rapture takes place now, they have no assurance of heaven, no eternal life, what is miserable life!”

Will you continue to live in such a miserably dangerous life when Jesus is right there waiting to save, secure and insure your life now here and in eternity? Today is the day of your salvation.

Or in your case, your life has been hit and bartered by the evil forces of this life? Your life is in ruin, your marriage is serious damaged, your health destroyed, your spiritual wasted; you have either backslidden and allowed Satan to ruin your life or you never came to Jesus before till things got worst. Whichever your case, Jesus is ready to rescue your life, your marriage, Jesus is ready and willing to rescue your destiny, He came to this world for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil in your life and give you a brand new life. He has come to save you today, to wash you from sins, then beautify your life like never before and then give you a cover and certificate of eternal life. It’s free for all, including you.

All you need to do is to ask Jesus to come into your life right away, to forgive all your sins as you accept Him as your Lord and PERSONAL Savior and begin to follow Jesus. Your eternity is sure and your earthly cover is certain.

If you would want to give your life to Jesus now, please click this link, read and pray as directed

©Gideon Akande_the evangelist

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