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Why The Doctrine Of Rapture Is Wrong

Dear Christian, have you been taught in church that, the saints shall first be caught away before that great and terrible day of the Lord?

If yes, then permit me to tell you that, that teaching is wrong. It is another ideology of men that has been inculcated into the gospel of Jesus Christ

The truth is that, as the children of Israel were in the land of Egypt when God was pouring different plagues on the land but the Israelites were exempted  because, the seal of God (blood of the lamb that was on their door post) was on them, so also shall the children of God still be on the earth in those days but the plagues shall not come near them

This is a mystery but if you would have it, this is what scripture referred to when it said "a thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but, it shall not come near thee; only with thine eyes shalt thou behold the reward of the wicked"

This therefore, is what will happen in those days

Someone will come into power and then, in the space of three and half years, he will try to unite world powers ( NATO, UN or something of that nature) in the guise of bringing lasting peace to the world.

By the end of that three and half years, this goal world have been accomplished

After the successful unification of world powers, the individual will then start to dish out laws and constitution that will be against Christian beliefs.

Some of the laws he will put down will be the compulsion of having a particular inscription on either one's hand or forehead.

The antichristian laws that he would lay down is what will make people refer to him as Antichrist (or Antichristian)

Let stop here for now. More explanations on the next post

I am Robert John and I'm #Graced by Yahweh

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