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What Must I Do To Be Saved

what must I do to be saved - everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

Acts 16:31

Dear friend

Have you ever wondered the prerequisite for being saved?

Well, a man once had this thought in mind and eventually asked apostle Paul the said question, What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Paul in his response didn't say; go to church, dress decent, be good, be perfect, change your attitude e.t.c but, "believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved"

Friend, every other thing such as, freedom from addition, praying for long hours, preaching, being good, changing of behavior e.t.c can be achieved through discipline, practice and rehab (if need be)

Therefore please know that the moment you accept the truth that Jesus Christ is from, and the only way to God, you're saved. Whatever deficiency there still is in your life can and should be worked upon.

[And Brought Them Out, And Said, Sirs, What Must I Do To Be Saved] Acts 16:30

I don't know what you have been told about the requirements for being saved but, if you're like this prison guard in our opening verse, that asked Paul and Silas what he needs to do in order to be saved; then your answer is in the next verse

Verse 31 And They Said, Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ, And Thou Shalt Be Saved

Every other thing is secondary. The basic requirement is for you to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the one sent to give his life for the remission of man's sin.

The moment you do that, you're saved.

In conclusion, everyone who believes and confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and savior is saved. Every other thing is secondary.

Hope this makes sense

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©Robert Godson

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