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Until You Hear From God

until you hear from, by Victoria onen


Until you HEAR from God, HIS convictions and visions are not valid.

A lot of ladies have missed out on God's PERFECT will simply because they were carried away by what someone told them and didn't wait to hear from God for themselves.

 I know you're very beautiful and everyone keeps telling you... "You're everything a man would want in a woman"

You've had like five suitors come for your hand in marriage, and all of them have their convictions as to why you're the Will Of God for them.

They tell you their stories and visions they've had, they tell you how they felt after that.

They might even go as far as telling you God told them not to go into a relationship for five years, and just before they met you, God told them to go ahead... you just happened to be the first person they met after that dealing they had with God.

Some will tell you they saw your name in the Bible and they're now seeing it in everything they do. They were praying and your face flashed.

After all these convictions...

Some will tell you, they need to further their education but they'd rather do it ABROAD but they want to settle down first before they get their VISA so they they can get for two at ones. The same Abroad you've been eager to go to.

Some will ask you what your needs are now and they will take care of it... And they mean it from the sincerity if their hearts. He seems to be like a God Sent to you, cuz your parents can't afford it.

This is really convincing right??!!

Of course it is.

They might be very correct and truthfully speaking, they're convinced it's you.

Now you're in awe... 
You don't know what to do because this is the 6th person coming to you with accurate visions and feelings.

The truth is, you will not get married to all of them.

Permit me to say this... When you meet someone who truly carries something, your spirit will react. That's exactly what happened to them.

That they met you and felt a certain way or start seeing things about you doesn't mean you're for them. 

They might also be good and perfect, but not for you.

You're a WIFE MATERIAL and a Child of God and He is also a Child of God. 

God is trying to tell him that "This is one of my daughters" and he misinterpreted it for marriage. 
You're supposed to go and ask your Father (God, that knows everything about him and his life) if this his son is for you, because like you, He has many sons too.

Now I don't care if this person is an MOG or a Minister or has been an Apostle for years.

"And the LORD said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided me a king among his sons."

"And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the LORD's anointed is before him."

"But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
~1 Samuel 16:1,6&7 (KJV)

My dear, even Samuel (A Priest of God) misinterpreted the impulses he felt.

It's not a sin. It happens. But be very close to God when it happens so you can be corrected. 

This is the 6th person coming to you and your body is already shaking, your husband might be the 17th person to pass by. Don't be in a hurry. Don't rush God and don't allow any body rush you too. 

If God is quiet, don't take a step yet.
Keep praying.
The five years you'll wait to hear from God is better than a life time of misery and regrets.

For you who is collecting things from them when you know you won't marry them... Stop it!!!!

Receive Sense in Jesus name!!!

You can't eat your cake and have it.
If you don't stop, It will choke you, I promise you.

God bless you.
I love you with all my heart, Ladies 💖

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© Victoria Onen


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