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The Night Cometh When No Man Can Work

[The Night Cometh When No Man Can Work] John 9:4

Dear Christian

A time will come that Christian contents will be blocked and people won't be able to freely read Christian write ups online. This is during the reign of the Antichrist.

Believers will not have the luxury of posting scriptures and contents about Christ freely in those days. Therefore I say, use the period wisely to circulate the internet with not just motivational quotes but posts about Christ, his teachings and imminent return.

There is something called Facebook moderation and it already in place. Certain posts and write ups are either turned down or blocked from reaching a wide audience. This, in those days, will be some of the the tools used to either moderate or completely block Christian contents.

Scripture says the Antichrist will change laws and what you think is normal now will not be accepted as legal in those days.

Remember; there was a time that this Christian faith was not legal and anyone who openly professes to be a follower of Jesus Christ was under severe danger and some were killed. Now, I'm telling the truth; before the return of Christ to this earth, the world will go 360 degrees and return to an era in which the Christian belief is not legally accepted by the government of those days.

Laws shall be enacted that will be completely against everything the nation of Israel and Christians in extension stands for.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:4 scripture says the Antichrist will oppose and exalt himself against God and every other object of worship. So himself will sit in the place of God and expect the world to worship him

Just imagine your president coming up and saying "henceforth there is nothing like God and I am the one you all should worship. Anyone caught calling on the God of heaven shall be arrested and his means of livelihood forfeited by the government"

Well the hardship your small mind can imagine is absolutely not a thing compared to the sufferings of those days.

Then, dear saints, the believers who shall be on the earth during this era shall not be able to freely do the work of God.

Haven stated the above dear saints, now is the time to spread the goodness with everything means available. For the night cometh when no man can work.

Hope this makes sense


#IfollowJesus #robertgodsoninspires #ISeeGreatness #GreatGrace #motivation #Antichrist #Rapture

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