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The Difference Between A Normal Church Goer And Christian

difference between a normal church goer and a Christian

Dear Christian

The difference between a normal church goer and a Christian who is willing to do God's will is the dealings/workings of God in that man.

God is uniquely working in all of us according to our purpose and calling on earth, according to His assignment given to us and the people that are sent to you!

So don't desire to be like a man when you don't know his dealings with God that took him to where he is! Don't criticize a man because you don't understand his message or his convictions. You need to understand this!

A friend of mine shared how God asked him to stop watching football, that became a dealing for him yet it doesn't make it a congregational conviction for others.

Many others will share how they stopped social media, stopped eating several things and dressing in a certain way. It is God's dealing with them. God may be instructing you to do or stop certain things and you may not understand why, just allow God to do His work in you!

It may be giving a certain amount of your income, fasting for long periods, praying for days, leaving a relationship or a job, it could also be traveling to an unknown land like Abraham, building yourself with books and messages, building altars, retreats. Just YIELD, it is God working in you to do and to will His good pleasure!

Now, we have standards guiding us as believers and those standards are a must for you as a believer. Staying pure, praying, attending church, standing for Jesus, dressing modestly, preaching the gospel are standards for all believers so they must be kept.

I don't expect any believer to say staying pure is not his/her conviction. You get my point now! Lol.

We need to align with God's workings to be able to live above flesh and submit fully to His standards. You can't even live holy until God has worked in you!!

[Not in your own strength] for it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight. Philippians 2:13

There is a level of influence, power, anointing, authority and wealth God cannot give you until He has worked in you. So if you are praying for anointing, have God worked in you to prepare you for that anointing?

You can't keep asking God to give you something when you are not ready to yield to His workings and dealings in your life.

No doubts, we have our congregational convictions that guide us as part of the body and the whole body of Christ. So, If you are under a ministry, then you should also submit to their congregational convictions or dealings as God leads you all as members of the ministry.

Yet, God has personal dealings with each one of us that may be peculiar from any other. So you don't try to serve God like another person or do God's work imitating another ministry.

You must allow God to work in you, giving you His instructions for your life, ministry and calling. You must seek God's dealings if you truly want to please Him and live His will for you.

Dear Christian,
You don't do the working on yourself, it is God WORKING in you! All you need to do is YIELD, SUBMIT, TRUST His workings in you.

For, it is His workings in you that will bring you to that place where you will look, live and truly represent Christ🙇🔥

©With Love, The journey of A Christian Lady


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