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Story Time

everything gospel, story time

You woke up from a dream in the middle of the night, confused and bewildered at what it might mean.

You checked the clock, it was just few minutes past 2am. And if your grumpy boss doesn't call you before work hours, you should still have well over 3hrs to rest your aching nerves. So you sat up in bed to ponder on this strange dream.

"You will live for 200years?" You wondered at what exactly God meant by promising you such.Then you did your mental calculations. You are just in your mid twenties, meaning you had a whopping 170 something years left to live. Wow! You exclaimed, and began to feel random bursts of excitement rise within you. Unbelievable!

But wait! You paused to re-think.

"Try every spirit" your Bible instructs you. So you began to vet and test the voice that spoke to you in your dream. You compared it with that of your previous convictions and finally, you were double-assured that indeed, it was the voice of God. It was genuine. You didn't need a Joseph to tell you otherwise.

You really were destined to live for 200 whole years!! That was a record you alone were called to break.


Springing up from bed with joy, you did a make-shift thanksgiving dance to God. The real one would be done on Sunday, at the altar.

While dancing, your right foot mistakenly collided with the leg of your plastic table, and your bottle of coke fell. It was tightly corked, so it didn't spill.

Oh about that,
Because you're an ardent coke lover, you always had one on your study table. However, for a while now you've been in a toxic relationship with the drink simply because your doctor strongly advised against your taking it, after you experienced a few symptoms of diabetes. But because you could hardly do without taking it, you decided to take it spaarringly. Just half a glass per day wouldn't hurt.

Buuutt.. What did the Bible say about the promises of God?

What? Did I just hear you say they abide forever?

Doesn't that mean that even coke wasn't enough to hinder His promises in your life from coming to pass? I mean the 200years immortality He promised you?

You know where I'm going riigghhtt?

So you sat back in bed, imagining a whole new world of possibilities. Does it mean you can have coke as you wish? What about suya every night? Surely with long life He will satisfy you. You pondered aloud and began to picture yourself refute everything your doctor would have to say. That man just wasn't spiritual enough. He lacks faith! 

So you make it a point of duty to gulp down at least two bottles of coke every single day. And every night for you was Suya night. 

But 5 years down the line, you begin to question God and His promises. He told you He'll satisfy you with long life, but you're just thirty three, yet you've been battling diabetes and obesity. You have also been advised with all sincerity, to make your records straight before God, because you might not last another year. 

Now you're wondering how you can possibly make your ways straight before a God that has failed you. 

But you failed to realise that the reverse was the case- You failed God
Anointing without Wisdom would lead to a dead end. 
A fertile land left bare without proper cultivation would remain fallow, regardless of the glorious prophecies spoken about it. 

Today, ask those questions, read that book on health, take that course, buy that book, engage in exercise routines. Put all you've learnt into practice. Stay healthy, Read healthy, Talk healthy and Dream healthy. 
Do not let your ignorance sabotage God's plans for your life 

Till we meet again, I remain PM, your favourite fiction writer ✍️

PS: Meanwhile those were my roomies while in camp, and of course, my favourite female soldier 🥰


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