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Lessons From Habakkuk

lessons from Habakkuk, everything gospel

The Holy Spirit has really taught me a lot through this same Habakkuk 2:2-3, trust me a lot can be couched in just a very small verse of the Bible.

While still scanning through that verse of the Bible in Habakkuk with the lenses of the Holy Spirit I saw something!🎯

Something really striking...!

I had to read the preceding verse of verses 2 and 3 of the second chapter of Habakkuk, that’s verse 1 which said;
“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.”
‭‭Habakkuk‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The easy translation said “I will stand at MY PLACE on the wall of the city. I will watch from there. I will wait to see what God will say to me...”

The place you are currently will tell a lot on what you write when the Holy Spirit speaks and how accurate the vision is...

Where exactly are you now?
You’ve been ordained a watchman, priest, prophet etc and you are still where Angels cannot trod; you are still at the valley waiting for a message/vision that can only be given to you at the tower.

You’ve left your duty post expecting to hear instructions meant for that place of assignment, and you feel if it’s given to you anywhere that is not your post you can still make use of it.

Listen to me; there is no time the way you think!!!

If a message is given to you now, it’s for NOW... if you use it later it may not really be expedient the way it would have been for the time appointed!

So back to your duty post...

I will give you an illustration; just like a Secretary of an office, he or she may have a vast knowledge of what the company is all about, but having that knowledge does not give room for that individual to become the boss, unless special matters; in fact if such individual leaves that duty post which was assigned to her to go take care of the matters which relate to only the head of the company; I bet you that he or she has indirectly submitted a resignation letter.

Because there are matters that she has left unsettled and unattended in her place of assignment which can cause a huge setback in the company, which if it’s very bad the company may not really recover quickly from it.

Then can you imagine the post you’ve left in the Kingdom where you are supposed to receive the blueprint to establish the visions you’ve gotten and to grow spiritually!

The difference with the Kingdom and the Company is the BOSS!
The head of that establishment may not listen to your own side of the explanation and won’t take you back, but the King of this Kingdom is full of mercy!

Go back to your place of assignment, just like our beloved brother Prophet JONAH, don’t remain there...you already know what is causing the tempest in the sea, why don’t you just alight from that ungodly ship and go back to your duty post. (Jonah 1:4-17 KJV)

Keep one thing in your mind, which is you do not have so much time left!!!

Hallelujah 🙌🏾


©Jane Okwuanyika

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