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Jesus Help Me

Jesus help me - everythinggospel1.blogspot.com
“With both hands, he clenched the back of the pew in front of him. He repeated the list, mumbling softly every weakness and flaw and affliction and evil that plagued him. He confessed them all. In one long glorious acknowledgement of failure, he laid himself bare before God. He held nothing back. He unloaded enough burdens to crush any three men, and when he finally finished Nate had tears in his eyes. ‘I’m sorry, he whispered to God. ‘PLEASE HELP ME.”

Jesus chose his disciples regardless of what their background stories were. He cared less about what people knew them to be, he only saw a church that the gate of hell won't prevail over.

He saw an edifice that can not be pulled down by just any wind of doctrine.
He saw true worshippers, those that have set their hearts to worship him in truth and spirit.
He saw a heart that was broken and contrite, and a vessel that was in ready to be worked on and used.
Through their weaknesses, He knew how mighty their strength is.
He saw that Peter would deny Him, but still saw a rock(stability) and a church(Edifice) in Peter.

Jesus doesn't cast away sincere men/hearts who are always broken before Him, He loves seeing them yearn for more of Him, most especially when they disregard their weaknesses and still seek immense help from Him.

Let me tell you something; the devil doesn't seek your hotness or coldness towards the Kingdom, all He wants is for you to be warm because He knows that even God can't take it. (Revelations 3:16 KJV)

You love the Lord sincerely with all your heart but there are these little strongholds that stand to counter what you truly feel for Jesus.
I do not care where you are at right now I do not know the sin you're struggling with now or where you are right now as a believer reading this, but know this just like the donkey he rode on triumphantly into Jerusalem, He wants to ride on those weaknesses you feel cannot be solved and show His power!

Yes! Just sincerely say JESUS HELP ME!
I bet you, you need Him to come in cause you can't do it all on your own (Zechariah 4:6); Don't allow the Devil have the last laugh over your life and destiny!


Hallelujah! 🙌🏾


©Jane Okwuanyika

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