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How It Started And How It Is Going

how it started and how it's going - everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

You came across my Facebook profile and began to love me lavishly because of my posts.

You love what I do.

You love how I've been close to God. You love my experiences about God. You love how I write too.

You finally engaged me in a conversation in my inbox and we talked along.

Our talk got to calling each other. We met and you noticed that truly truly my life is an examplary life.

I'm a "Good Man" with God.

Within two years we got married.

You've finally married a good Man. You've gotten all you wanted. A wonderful marriage.

A good Man with money. A Man with God. A Man who is filled with spiritual things. Tall, simple and knowledgeable.

You thanked God and stopped praying for me because you've gotten me. You got relaxed.

Holy Spirit take over Him because you think the Holy Spirit don't have any other work except taking care of your good husband.

In the morning we kiss and go to work. Night we romance and enjoy a blissful sex then we sleep off. We've attained what we want.

A year to our marriage we had a little issue that led to an argument. Argument then led to malice and strife.

You've not seen that part of me before. I got so angry that I didn't know what I was doing again. You thought I will come and apologize to you but I didn't.

The day we quarrelled I rejected your food and went to work. We didn't kiss as usual.

At work, a friend of mine who is a colleague saw me and noticed that I'm not happy.

She asked what happened. I poured out my heart to her.

She said how can you treat a "Good Man" like me as such. She said how can you question my opinion.

She asked if I've eaten but I told her that I left the house with anger. She smiled.

She bought food for me and made me laugh. She said she'll check up on me. She did. We started laughing and found happiness.

But if I return home you will still cover yourself and never talk to me. You never prayed. I never did. I never apologized. You thought I will still come and apologize.

It continued. We were giving the space. Because I've not apologized you refused to show interest in anything intimacy. I wanted it but I couldn't ask.

So one day, My friend in office offered we should go out. I agreed because she's now making me happy. We went out. We got drunk even though I've not been drinking but I want to forget about us.

We eventually booked a hotel room.

She was also having the same problem with her husband. And her husband was behaving like you. And she was behaving like me.

We made love in the process.

We continued. Every evening. You realized that it's getting a month and I've never apologized. You came and apologized.

I accepted and apologized back. We got along. I still continued my life with my friend. You were so happy that we've started going along again. But you don't know that someone is behind my Happiness.

I lost the face to go back to God and apologize. I was still posting on Facebook. People were still reading and celebrating our marriage. They called us blessed.

But God has left our home.

You do remind me of prayers but I will tell you to pray for us while I sleep. You became weak too. Our prayer life ended. Our alter closed. But here on Facebook, I'm still people's best teacher and writer. They still invite me for talks and ministrations.

My friend can't let me go. She said I'm hers now and forever. That if I leave that she'll expose our chats and our nude pictures because she got opportunity to snap us both in the hotel room. She sensed that I might leave one day so she did that to still keep me. And I can't afford to be exposed. So, I continued with her.

And I continued posting and people continued loving and supporting our online marriage with reactions.

I don't really know whether I just fall in love with my friend or she used blue eye on me because there's a possibility.

Since I started sleeping with her I lost focus in life. I lost focus in God. I lost myself to her and sin. But I'm still a "Good Man" to you and others because you don't know my secret and her husband don't know her secret.


There's no point in our life that we're expected to be careless. Anointing to write and teach is not a guarantee.

Being a good Man or Woman doesn't just end in that name. You need to be feeding your "Good Man" with spiritual things. You need to be giving Him Spiritual water. You need to be subscribing Him with the word of God. You need to be polishing His life with Prayers. You need to show Him romance in a different way that will spice up the love, the peace and the happiness of the marriage. You need a good character of acceptance to honor each other.

This is life. Nothing is assured. Pastors do succumb to female members. Wives do succumb to male friends even when they're not friends.

We need God at the end point of our marriage. We need God in our conversations. We need God in our misunderstanding. We need God in the "Good Man or Woman"

His or Her brain might just reconfigure at anytime.

You married a good Man doesn't afford him to be good forever. There's a substance that enlightens it.

My ministry begins at home

©Emmanuel Noble Okereke

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