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He That Is Joined To The Lord Is One Spirit

he that is joined with the Lord is one spirit

1 Cor 6:17

During our courting days, there was a statement my Buddy made each time I was in distress or in pain; and sometimes he would say it in relation to an unpleasant circumstance I was experiencing. I also remember that more times than I can count, he had said these same words when nothing was happening, as if he just looked at me and pondered on how best to love me and show his love to me.

He would say "Mer, there are limits to how much I can express the depths of my love for you to you right now".  He didn't explain what he meant but each time he said it, I knew exactly what he meant. I was not yet his own and he had no legal and spiritual rights to hold me to himself until the heat from him breaks into me and comforts me in the cold, lonely, frozen places of my aching heart.

And times when he made the statement when I was not experiencing any moment of sadness, I knew he was expressing his desire to be intimate with me. To be totally one with me; no walls, no clothes. And I desired it too, because I knew there was so much we could do together when we've been joined spiritually, legally and sexually forever. So much that we couldn't do or experience then.

I never gave thought to this until one morning when Abba used this analogy of Buddy's words to explain Exodus 15:22-27 to me. 

Here, in these verses, we see three million slaves just recently freed, having a slave spirit, untrained and full of criticism. When they tasted the water of Marah which was bitter compared to the sweet waters of Nile they were used to in Egypt, they cried out in childish disappointment and burst forth in childish, unrestrained complaint against Moses. But Abba, ever so caring, makes the water sweet. Then shows Himself to them as one who will permit none of the diseases of the Egyptians to come upon them.

As I pondered upon His loving words to them, praying in tongues as the phrase echoed in my head "I AM the God that healeth thee". Abba whispered to me;
"It's different for you. There's so much I couldn't do for Israel because we weren't married. I couldn't come into them and be intimate with them. I could only love them from outside and they couldn't understand me".

Then he made a statement that caused light to break into my heart from John 7:38. Abba said to me "I am not just the God that heals you. I am the God that heals through you".

Realisation hit me right there; just as with the Israelites, Abba loves me. But it's different, it's more. Because unlike the people of the old testament, I have intercourse with Abba. I am married to Him. I am legally and spiritually His! Because of Jesus, my relationship with Abba is deeper, sweeter and fuller.

"... Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us"- Romans 5:5.

".. He that is joined to the Lord is ONE spirit" - I Corinthians 6:17 ( and verses 19 and 20)

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