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Christian Association Of Nigeria And Pentecostal Fellowship Of Nigeria Are A Disgrace To The Body Of Christ

Christian association of Nigeria and Pentecostal fellowship of Nigeria are a disgrace to the body of Christ - everythinggospel1.blogspot.com

The current leadership of Christian Association Of Nigeria-CAN and Pentecostal Fellowship Of Nigeria-PFN combined have proven to be a disgrace and an embarrassment to Christianity in Nigeria and the body of Christ in general.

Their actions over events that transpired in the last couple of days is a proof that they are more concerned about the political sphere of influence than the spiritual and physical well-being of the church.

These cabals are quick to speak up in matters that concerns politics but when it comes to addressing issues that pertains to the body of Christ which they are supposed to govern, they are aloof.

Recall that recently, certain bishops were said to be at the unveiling of Shettima as the vice presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress-APC and the leadership of CAN were quick to speak up on the issue; distancing itself from the so called bishops. Nevertheless renowned televangelist and senior pastor of Omega Fire Ministries Apostle Johnson Suleman has been on the news for numerous sex scandals and the leadership of Pentecostal Fellowship Of Nigeria and Christian Association Of Nigeria have been literally silent on the matter.

Truth is, the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus' era are way better than the the leadership of Christianity in Nigeria.

It must be said that these leaders of Christianity in Nigeria have made themselves political bigots rather that seeking the unity of the body of Christ which it claims to be the foundation on which it is built.

Today in Nigeria, pastors come to the pulpit and instead of preaching the gospel of the kingdom to the pew, they are busy selling political candidates to their congregation. These I believe are some of the excesses that a body that hasn't lost traction ought to set aright.

There is a lot of sensationalism and segregation in the church today and the leadership is doing nothing to correct this.

These and many more issues in the Nigerian church is a proof that both CAN and PFN have failed in their respective duties as it concerns the body of Christ in Nigeria and until they change their ways and dissociate themselves from, and also bring erring pastors, apostles and bishops to book, these organizations will continue to be a disgrace and an embarrassment to Christianity in Nigeria

May God help us and lead us aright

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